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Mental Health Week

Youth Week

How to support a friend Dealing with anxiety Challenging barriers to seeking help when you need it

"When a friend is battling with depression, it can be hard to know what to do.
They might act differently or just seem 'off', Or, they may have been diagnosed with depression and are open about needing support.
Either way, you might be wondering what you can do to help and how you can be there for your friend."
Click here for more.

"You might become stressed by a job interview, the build-up to exams, a big match or lots of other day to day stuff. This is normal and stress can help us get motivated for dealing with problems and pressure. Stress can even be healthy in small amounts, but if we become too stressed, it's difficult to function and our health can be seriously affected."
Click here for more.

"Mental illness is a funny thing. While it can certainly feel all encompassing at times, it is important to remember that an illness (whether it be cancer, depression or a chest infection) is NOT you. Yet sometimes, as mental illness lives in the mind, it can become the driver in your decisions and place road blocks to you recovering. In my experience, my anxiety ridden intrusive thoughts placed major barriers in my way when I really needed to seek help. Lets challenge some of those fears today" by clicking here for more information.